Solid Surfboards Bioflex Tie Dye Log 9'6
Solid Surfboards Bioflex Tie Dye Log 9'6
A Classic California Nose Rider. If you are looking for a board that does one thing well, and that is nose ride, this is it. Blunt full nose, flat rocker, and a bit of kick in the tail keeps you locked in with ease as you perch your way to the beach with this dream machine. Slightly knifey 50/50 rails engage well and a bit of belly off the bottle allows you to disengage for quick checks into the next section. Deep single concave through the nose stabilizes the board while futher reducing rocker under the belly of the nose. Plenty of vee through the tail and the aforementioned reverse rocker and take a step back onto the tail to have this thing piroutte wherever you’d like to take it. Everyone should have one of these to gentrify their surfing – and damn, they just put a smile on your face every session.
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Available in various colors and sizes. Prices vary.
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